Post nº 3.- My favorite thing

I'm not very materialistic, the only thing that comes to my head to write in this post, is a folder and a box in which I save all smalls things, photos, letter, drawings (specially drawings that my friends and I made in classes at school) I love to open that folder and that box at least twice a year, I know that it is very bit but Im very sensitive, so once I open the folder and watch all this, memories come to my mind and makes me feel mainly melancholic for all the things that had changes but then I feel better because I know that I learnt in every experience that I once had. Maybe someday I will leave here photos of the drawings (when I will be open the folder and the box in a while more) For now, I will leave here these photos that I found :3 (now that I'm finishing this post, I realize that maybe my favorite thing are the photos that keep memories and feelings)