
Animal Videos

Sorry for the non-seriusness of the videos, but that's who I am :s And whit this short 3 videos I want to give U a great morning :3   Firs of all... the magnificent  "Ambystoma mexicanum"  (Axolotl) That keep their larval body forever D: and also regenerates his body!!! I'm actually want to be an Axolotl to keep myself young forever and be able to regenerate my body in case of either accidents. This video shows that Axolotl have slow reflexes, but is not complete true, the are usually very fast to catch his food. This wondefull video shows how smart animals are, I never saw before a video that capture the exact moment when an animal (not human), exactly ... a cat, show to the world that they can read. I think that it is a great step for the animals And finally I share this  video that in company with the previous video prove that animals each day are closer to Conquer the world >.< Talking serioulsy the reason why I put t...

Post n°6 : A Band that I like

Well... It's difficult to me to choose only one band or singer because they are many that I like, I dont know if I have favorites but for this instance I chose "Franz Ferdinand". This is a band created in 2001, in Glasgow, Escocia. His name is in honor for the archduke Francisco Fernando, that in German is "franz ferdinand". The band is composed of Alex Kapranos as lead vocals ( and sometimes plays many others instruments)  Bob Hardy on bass, Nick McCarthy on dynamic guitar, keyboards and choirs and Paul Thomson on drums. This band is basically Indie Rock <3 I like this band because of  the rhythm of their songs thay makes me feel good, besides I like the voice of kapranos *-* a lot, the guitar solos and the drums in many songs leave me hallucinating. Definitely my favorite song is Fresh Strawberries, because his lyrics talk about topics that I have been thinking some time ago.

Post nº5: A country I'd like to visit.

Australia -alps. The truth is that I would like to visit many countries, but the one that i have more in mind is Australia, I do not know if it will fulfill my expectations once I go , but I hope so <3  After visiting different countries, I would like to start to think if moving to one of them to living here  is an idea factiuble, maybe try a few months and if it does not work, return to my beloved Chile. But it's still many years before that, maybe my thinking can will change with the time. Well coming back to the subject, I would like to visit Australia because  their diversity of flora and fauna, their food and the beautiful places that this country have (like his forests, parks, beaches and their Austrian Alps) the first thing I would like to do When I go to Australia, is to go to the tropical forest called Gondwana I want to go there because their flora, that goes back to the age of dinosaurs *-* And of course see some kangaroos. ...

Animal Planet

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name?  -Akita, I don`t know if its my favorite, but I like that  result ;3  1.2 Vocabulary Activity:  These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire. example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista) -jogger :(a dog) that walks quick (trotador) -breed: Producing other being of the same biological character (reproducirse) -to hunt : hunting action (cazar) -watchdog: A dog who cares a house, or something (or someone) that needs his care (perro guardian)  -grooming : To take care about the physical of something (Aseo - cuidado) 1 .Maintenance: In this case, its means like grooming of the dog  (mantenimiento) 2. Gait:  It's about the walking of a dog  (Andares) 3. Insulation...

Post nº4: My Timeline

February 1998 I was born in Santiago Chile, I grew up in my grandparent's house. I don't have pictures of that but I will leave here one of the few photos that I have as a child (BTW, doing what I like the most)     2. September - November 2010 Birth of my cousin Colomba and my sister Isabel.                                                                           My family is not very big, thats why the birth if two little girls it was so important to me   3.- December 2014 "Chile va" camp. I went to a camp I had a lot of fun in this place and I met good friends    4.- November 2015 Graduation I don't know what can I say about that day >.<    5.- December 2015 Gala party I remember that day, eve...

Timeline of human development

Complete: 1. About 800,000 years ago, fire was controlled by early humans. 2. About 4 million years ago most early human species became bipedal. 3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and Southern Africa. 4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some  plants and animals. 5. The homo habilis is the earliest human species from the timeline.  Questions: 1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans? Because of the change of climate, humans beings have to devise how to survive 2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why? For me the most important milestone was "Become bipedal" only figure how would our lives look like today without this change 3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone? Its was Australopithecus Africanus 4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe?...

Post nº 3.- My favorite thing

I'm not very materialistic, the only thing that comes to my head to write in this post, is a folder and a box in which I save all smalls things, photos, letter, drawings (specially drawings that my friends and I made in classes at school)  I love to open that folder and that box at least twice a year, I know that it is very bit but Im very sensitive, so once I open the folder and watch all this, memories come to my mind and makes me feel mainly melancholic for all the things that had changes but then I feel better because I know that I learnt in every experience that I once had. Maybe someday I will leave here photos of the drawings (when I will be open  the folder and the box in a while more)  For now, I will leave here these photos that I found :3  (now that I'm finishing this post, I realize that maybe my favorite thing are the photos that keep memories and feelings)