Post nº2: Joe Pino

  • What is your opinion about violence on television?

I think that television newly has lost the importance that once was have (at least for me), but anyway, great part of the population still revere it,parents that share the feeling with his children, children who are learning everything that they see, without differentiate between good or bad things, less if their parents do not control what children see, acquiring, among other things, violence like something typical. Are these the people that we want for the future?

  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I'm not very informed about this topic but for what I have read, marijuana can help in some kinds of illness, that's why I'm agree about legalizing marijuana, but like everything else, the misuse or excessive use by people who only use it for pleasure, in this way I don't think it's all right, mainly for his healt.
  • What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
In a few words I think that the most of the considered "good" are a complete plagiarism to the foreign soap operas , while on the other hand, the original chilean ones, on my modest opinion, I think that they are garbage :3 mainly by the repeated themes and their (not all) bad actors and actresses.
  • What is your opinion about  climate change?
It is true that climate change is a product of the natural greenhouse effect, but this one was increased to a great extent by the human, increasing the gases that worsen the situation. I don't know if we are still on time but,in that case, it is of extreme importance to make a change, I know that is difficult but I still have a bit of hope.
  • What is your opinion about recycling?
I complete agree with recycling, is something  not instilled in our lives but its so important, I think that there should be a special budget or greater one to increase this because it helps a lot to the environment, and we are part of all this. In my case I try to implement recycling in my house, but nobody helps me :c


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree with your opinion about violence on television. Sometimes parents don't realize what they teach their children. We have to think about it: C

  3. I agree that television is a medium that no longer has an ethical sens to teach, maybe we were tha last generation that managed to enjoy it vaguely :( I loved your opinions very clear :))

  4. I completely agree with your honest opinion, specially with the legalizing marijuana and other drugs but it still the misuse is very commun, it's very sad :( see you ^^


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